
Please also see “Videos” to Listen to Lectures and Interviews

Episode 49 "It Means What it Means Podcast":
"Paul within Judaism with Mark D Nanos" Posted Dec 16, 2024

Part One of Two Interview published Feb. 2, 2022, on “Why Erga Nomou Does Not Mean ‘Works of the Law'” 

and Why That Matters So Much for Reading Paul within Judaism

Part Two of Two Interviews published Feb. 2, 2022, on “Why Erga Nomou Does Not Mean ‘Works of the Law'”

and Why That Matters So Much for Reading Paul within Judaism

Partial Interview (different segment from part 2) on the Implications for Interpreting Paul’s Allegory of Sarah and Hagar that Arise From Reading Erga Nomou to Signify Proselyte Conversion